An increasingly urgent goal of stationary retail is to „connect“ with the end customer and thus build a bridge to digitization. We help you to get to know yourself and your location better and to generate customer insights.

Our in-store analytics system provides you with valuable information about the visiting and shopping behavior of your customers in stationary retail – from offline to online!

This type of „weak point analysis“ pursues the goal of sustainably increasing the number of visitors as well as the capture and conversion rate.


Do you ask yourself the questions about the levers in your company that you can still tweak in order to increase your success? - We provide you with the answers...

  1. Traffic – How many potential customers pass by my branch every day?
  2. Capture rate - what percentage of passers-by enter my branch?
  3. New vs. existing customer - is the person entering my shop for the first time or a returnee? How does this rate develop due to changes in the store design, product range or staff?
  4. Dwell-time - How long does the person stay in my branch? What influences the dwell-time? How many items do my customers interact with before making a purchase?
  5. Route - Where are the hot spots in my sales area? Which routes do my customers prefer to use? What is disturbing the stay?
  6. Profiling - Who is the person entering the store? How can I connect with him or her?

Aroused interest? Then please do not hesitate to contact us!

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Do you have a request, a question about a planned project or a suggestion for us? Please feel free to get in touch with us.