- entrance, exit and transit areas of shops (stores, boutiques, etc.)
- main and side entrances to shopping centers, public buildings, etc.
PeCo SmartCleaning
With our PeCo feedback you are one step closer to your customers and employees. Our feedback system helps you to see your company from the perspective of your customers, to recognize “unadorned” optimization potential and to find out details that have been positively experienced.
In addition to standard questions on the most important service areas, PeCo Feedback can measure your customers’ willingness to recommend (10-point Net Promoter Score (NPS)). Your customers can use open text modules to provide information about what they particularly liked or what can be optimized. We are happy to take your wishes into account when choosing your questions and adapt the questionnaires accordingly for you.
From an international retail group with hundreds of branches to individual tourist information offices - we will provide you with the right solution
- modern and robust hardware in your corporate design
- flexible and simple feedback software
- clear, web-based data management software including real-time reporting.
The stereo cameras PeCo SC and PeCo SC high can be used to record the flow of people and customer frequencies in sales and personnel management in all service areas in trade and business
Reporting with LASE PeCo
As a reporting tool, we offer our customers either a web-based platform or a local software solution. Please contact us for free access to our demo portal!